Management Tips: Don’t Have One To-Do List — Have Three


Reading through the Harvard Business Review for today, i learnt something different from what i have been working with all these years. Interestingly, i have had only two To-Do Lists and that has been doing so well.

But, on another note, today’s review tells me i need to be writing the not todo list as a way of having your NOs right from your YESes.

Let,s share and learn together as informed by Harvard Business Review.
June 25, 2018

A to-do list can help you stay organized and focused, but it can also become overwhelming when it gets too long and you’re not sure what to tackle next. Try keeping three lists — and a calendar.

To start off, think about all of the tasks assigned to you. Which of them truly have to get done (chances are, some don’t)?

And which are truly urgent?

  1. On the first to-do list, write down your projects that are important but aren’t time-sensitive.
  2. On the second, write the things that are important and need to get done today.
  3. The third list is a not-to-do list, to remind you which things aren’t worth your time and which can be done by someone else.

Then use the calendar to block out time for each important task according to its deadline. Once you get control of your priorities, you’ll feel liberated to focus on what really matters to you.

I hope you enjoyed it.

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